Friday, January 29, 2010

The American Dream

When I look .It said that the motion of American Dream , and the American Dream is rooted in the Decraration of Independence.
the theme of Amerocan Dream is having a better,richer,and happier life. Then And it illustetes the conpetions of American dream and the way to achieve the Dream.,and . It is showed us the source of American Dream and explain what is the American Dream.

_ In my pinion, I think American Dream is every Americans' life and dream. They probably have same goal and it has special meaning that can encourage every people do best for themselves. That is why the American Dream is vital for everybody.


  1. I very much agree with your point of view.The American dream is everyone wants to have,but not every one can be fulfilled.

  2. I think everyone needs to pay for themselves,so they should work hard.I agree with your opinion~!hehe~!

  3. I don't know if it's 'vital' to everybody, but it certainly has provided strong motivation for a lot of people - especially first generation immigrants.
